
Friday 22 May 2020

Our great realization from the Covid-19 Lock Down times

malo today we are doing art on our great realization from the Covid-19 Lock Down times this was the best art yet goodbye.

Thursday 5 March 2020

we learn to do our Term 1 Learning Goals

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Wednesday 19 February 2020

My Writing on How to Be a Good Friend

  • A good friend is…

  • Helpful
  • Shares
  • Happy
  • Funny
  • kind

A good friend…Image result for friend
A good friend is someone who always helps you and cear to you
and does what  you want.
A good friend is kind helpful care and sharing friends is
the person that loves you.
A good friend always plays with you and helps you.
A good friend is the person that you meet and always talk 
with and then you friend with that person. A good friend is t
he person that helps your work  and sleep over and takes
you to the thing that you like. A good friend always loves you best friend
in the world.